Of all the types of accidents on the road, accidents involving semi-trucks are among the most dangerous. Semi-truck accidents routinely cause serious injuries and even death. Although there are a number of reasons that semi-truck accidents occur, one of the most common ones is when a semi-truck changes lanes while a vehicle is in its blind spot. In this article, we discuss blind spot truck accidents in Florida.
What Is a Blind Spot?
A blind spot is an area near a vehicle that is hidden from the view of the vehicle’s driver. Many people assume that large trucks don’t have blind spots because they are so high off the ground. This isn’t the case, however. Large commercial trucks, just like any other vehicle, have blind spots that offer little-to-no visibility to the driver. In fact, blind spots are responsible for a large number of truck accidents.
Where Is a Truck’s Blind Spot?
On a large commercial truck, the blind spots tend to be located
- On the areas along the side the truck,
- On the area directly behind the truck, and
- 20 feet in front of the truck.
Avoiding Blind Spot Truck Accidents
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), drivers can avoid blind spot truck accidents by
- Always remaining cautious when driving next to a large truck; and
- Avoiding a truck’s blind spots when it is turning, backing up, or changing lanes.
In addition to FMCSA’s recommendations, there are several other steps to take to avoid collisions with commercial trucks. For example, always remember that the area directly in front of a truck can be a blind spot. In order to avoid being rear ended after you pass a truck, you should ensure that you can fully see the front of the truck from top to bottom. If you can’t, you’re too close, and you risk being hit. In addition, whether you are in front or in back, you should always keep at least 30 feet of space between you and a truck. In addition to the front, the area directly behind a truck is a blind spot. So, if a truck driver doesn’t realize you are driving behind him or her, the driver might apply the truck’s brakes too hard or change lanes too fast, thereby preventing you from stopping in time to avoid a crash.
Contact a Pensacola Personal Injury Lawyer
If you’ve been hurt in a blind spot truck accident in Florida, you need an experienced Florida personal injury attorney in your corner. Located in Pensacola, Florida, Staples, Ellis + Associates, P.A., provides legal assistance to accident victims in Northwest Florida and Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties. When you come to us for assistance following a blind spot truck accident, we will do everything in our power to ensure that you obtain the financial compensation you deserve. Please contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Posted in: Truck Accidents